2012-01-31 02:26:17 UTC
The 1st Day of Creation
"The earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face
of the deep. And The Spirit of GOD moved upon the face of the waters."
Then GOD spoke HIS Word into being.......
"Let there be Light"!
"There was Light".......
And such 'Light' was to be, and is, Eternal!
So Hope is Alive!
"And GOD called The Light Day, and the darkness HE called night. And
the evening and The Morning were The 1st Day."
Even though this wicked world begins and ends it's day in darkness it
is good to realize that the 1st Day of Creation, although begun midst
darkness, ended in 'Light'!
And such 'Light' was not the sun, moon or stars for they were not
created until the 4th Day.
GOD's Word "Let there be Light" became "The Light which enlightens
every man born into the world" and was "the glory The Messiah had with
Our Father before the world began".......
LIGHT Begot Light.......
LIKE Begot Like.......
The Messiah, "The Light of the world"(Jn8:12).......
The Messiah, "The beginning of The Creation of GOD"(Rev1:1,
The Messiah, "The Son of The Living GOD".......
And Our Father, HE "created all things" by(of, in and thru) The
Messiah" (Ep3:9).......
"Let There Be Light!"
The 1st Day of Creation!
Now if the beginning can not be 'seen' nor understood, then what of
the end?
Confusion would reign!
And today confusion does reign midst the multitudes of religious
systems, all of which are of this world, for apart from "The Light"
there is only darkness, "the blind leading the blind" ;-(
Sadly multiplied millions have been killed and enslaved by those
members of this, or that religion, in the name of their god(s)!
But one reason why "The Way of Truth is evil spoken of".......
"Come Out of her, MY people!"
"Come Out!" of the systems of this wicked, evil world(babylon), and
especially it's systems of religion.......
For the Faithful will not create a religion for the Faithful ARE
The Family of "Our GOD and Father", "of WHOM the whole Family in
Heaven and ON EARTH is named".......
So it is that the brethren of The Messiah are but "aliens and pilgrims
while on the earth", for our "conversation(Life) is in Heaven" and
soon, and very soon, we will be taken Home, Home at last!
Till then:
Father Help! and HE does.......
Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this world and
it's systems of religion "for the WHOLE(not just a portion) world is
under the control of the evil one"(1JN5:19) indeed and Truth.......
"The earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face
of the deep. And The Spirit of GOD moved upon the face of the waters."
Then GOD spoke HIS Word into being.......
"Let there be Light"!
"There was Light".......
And such 'Light' was to be, and is, Eternal!
So Hope is Alive!
"And GOD called The Light Day, and the darkness HE called night. And
the evening and The Morning were The 1st Day."
Even though this wicked world begins and ends it's day in darkness it
is good to realize that the 1st Day of Creation, although begun midst
darkness, ended in 'Light'!
And such 'Light' was not the sun, moon or stars for they were not
created until the 4th Day.
GOD's Word "Let there be Light" became "The Light which enlightens
every man born into the world" and was "the glory The Messiah had with
Our Father before the world began".......
LIGHT Begot Light.......
LIKE Begot Like.......
The Messiah, "The Light of the world"(Jn8:12).......
The Messiah, "The beginning of The Creation of GOD"(Rev1:1,
The Messiah, "The Son of The Living GOD".......
And Our Father, HE "created all things" by(of, in and thru) The
Messiah" (Ep3:9).......
"Let There Be Light!"
The 1st Day of Creation!
Now if the beginning can not be 'seen' nor understood, then what of
the end?
Confusion would reign!
And today confusion does reign midst the multitudes of religious
systems, all of which are of this world, for apart from "The Light"
there is only darkness, "the blind leading the blind" ;-(
Sadly multiplied millions have been killed and enslaved by those
members of this, or that religion, in the name of their god(s)!
But one reason why "The Way of Truth is evil spoken of".......
"Come Out of her, MY people!"
"Come Out!" of the systems of this wicked, evil world(babylon), and
especially it's systems of religion.......
For the Faithful will not create a religion for the Faithful ARE
The Family of "Our GOD and Father", "of WHOM the whole Family in
Heaven and ON EARTH is named".......
So it is that the brethren of The Messiah are but "aliens and pilgrims
while on the earth", for our "conversation(Life) is in Heaven" and
soon, and very soon, we will be taken Home, Home at last!
Till then:
Father Help! and HE does.......
Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this world and
it's systems of religion "for the WHOLE(not just a portion) world is
under the control of the evil one"(1JN5:19) indeed and Truth.......